Moreish Mango Doughnuts
The title of this recipe says it all! The different colours really stand out against the mango icing, and take a bite to reveal a hidden mango centre- sunshine on a plate!
Makes 6 doughnuts
Top Tips
Why not fill your doughnuts with one of the decoration colours to add even more colour?!
Why not try experimenting with different decoration colours, we have over 35 colours in the Rainbow Dust ProGel range!
Prepare your equipment: piping bag x 4, nozzles of different shapes x 3
6 pre-made ball doughnuts
Decorating Ingredients
400 g Renshaw Alphonso Mango & Passionfruit Icing
400 g Renshaw Creamy Vanilla Icing
Rainbow Dust ProGel Strawberry
Rainbow Dust ProGel Turquoise
Rainbow Dust ProGel Lilac
Rainbow Dust Golden Belle Sparkle Dust
Sprinkles of your choice
Products from us
Decorating your doughnuts:
Step 1
Create a hole (on the side in the middle) in the doughnut using the handle end of a spoon.
Step 2
Open the Renshaw Alphonso Mango and Passionfruit Icing tub, stir with a spoon, place half into a piping bag, and snip off the end of the bag.
Step 3
Pipe the icing into the holes you have created in each doughnut to fill them.
Step 4
Take the remaining Icing and place into a microwavable bowl. Warm in the microwave for 15 seconds and give it a stir, repeat this process in 15 second intervals until the icing is a runny consistency/ 55 degrees in temperature (usually approx. 45 seconds).
Step 5
Take a doughnut and dunk it into the warmed icing to fully cover one side, and place on your work surface icing side up. Repeat this step until all your doughnuts are covered.
Step 6
Open the Renshaw Creamy Vanilla Icing tub, stir with a spoon, and place equal amounts into three different bowls.
Step 7
Squeeze the three different Rainbow Dust ProGels into each bowl to achieve the colour you like, making sure you don’t exceed the maximum dosage- see back of pack.
Step 8
Snip off the end of three piping bags and insert the nozzles (we have used open star 21, open star 44 & open star 74).
Step 9
Pipe each colour onto the doughnuts in turn. Each nozzle will allow you to achieve a different style of piping.
Step 10
Finish the doughnuts by adding sprinkles and a spray of Rainbow Dust Golden Belle Sparkle Dust.